Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Place

Jade and Daisy went early this morning to compete in the "Prance Your Paws For A Cause" dog show and expo. They were raising money for fighting cancer. Daisy won first place in the competition!

From Our Farm

New Kid on the Block

We worked hard all day Friday and decided to take Saturday off. The boys all went to the auction. This was our first time at the livestock auction. Lets just say it is a true multicultural experience. We were a little nervous about how the auction worked but we figured it out quickly and bought our first goat. Once Nicholas figured out how we bid he would raise his hand every time a little goat would come out. He want to buy them all. We named our goat Bambi. She weighs about 15 pounds. I am not really sure what kind she is since we bought her off the auction block. The kids are already starting the process of spoiling her. I think we need to get one more to keep her company.

From Our Farm

Sunday, March 14, 2010

We are getting eggs again

We have started getting eggs again. We had the one hen that was laying and then went missing earlier but now our baby hens are laying. We are only getting two eggs a day but I think it will pickup as the days get longer and warmer. I have my nice nest boxes but they seem to prefer laying them on the ground. I hope they are just new at it and have bad aim!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring is finally here!

It seems that we may have put winter behind us. The blue berries are blooming and the kids are dying to go fishing. We loaded up the Golf Cart and headed to the pond. We had to cut back the summer growth to get in but the kids had fun. It was very dangerous standing on the bank between the boys casting. At one point Nicholas caught me in the neck with a back swing and was swinging feverishly to figure out why it wasn't going out into the water. I left them to Wendy and went to fish with Jade!

From Our Farm